audit de sûreté- Un agent Premium Security expose au client les failles de sécurité de son établissement sur un plan.
audit de sûreté- caméra de surveillance sur la façade d'un bâtiment et dispositif de sécurité
What is it?

The security audit

The purpose of the security audit is to identify the vulnerabilities of a site, a company, a main or secondary residence by analyzing the relevance of the protection measures already in place or by recommending elements of security and protections that will prevent possible incidents that may occur there.

The audit provides a prioritized vision of the measures to be taken to increase the level of protection of the audited site and thus reduce the probability of occurrence of malicious acts.

our vision

10 key objectives of our safety audit

Understand the degree of attractiveness of the site through the activities, goods, users and industrial secrets received.

Identify the legal context related to the protection of this site (eg Labor law etc.).

To study the criticality of the site's environment (eg neighborhood and surroundings) and possible malicious acts.

 Define the possible scenarios of malicious acts.

To study the operating modes of the authors for each scenario selected.
To analyze the effectiveness of the technical, physical, human and organizational protection measures put in place.

Draw up a continuous improvement plan in order to reduce the probability of occurrence of a malicious act.

To optimize expenses related to services and investments aimed at optimal site safety.
Reassure site users (eg safe working conditions) as well as economic partners

To be in compliance with the protection criteria defined by the supervisory authorities or even the parent company